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How Can I Get Creatinine 4.8 Down with Hypertensive Nephropathy

How Can I Get Creatinine 4.8 Down with Hypertensive NephropathyHypertensive Nephropathy, or hypertensive kidney disease, is caused by chronic high blood pressure. When kidney filtering system is impaired, creatinine and other waste products will accumulate in the blood. Creatinine 4.8 means kidneys have been damaged seriously. In this case, patients must want to know how they can get creatinine 4.8 down with Hypertensive Nephropathy.

Creatinine 4.8 for kidney patients

According to creatinine levels, chronic kidney failure is divided into four stages. Creatinine 4.8 indicates about 70% of kidney function has been lost. If uncontrolled effectively, kidneys will fail completely. Then, dialysis and kidney transplant will be patients’ only choices. Therefore, patients must take their illness condition seriously.

How to get creatinine 4.8 down for Hypertensive Nephropathy patients?

For these patients, two factors affect the progress of their kidney disease largely. One is chronic hypertension, and the other is protein leakage. Therefore, to prevent further kidney damage and higher creatinine level, some treatments that can manage hypertension and protein leakage are needed. For example, ACEi and ARB can help lower high blood pressure and alleviate protein leakage. (If these medicines don’t work, you can ask the doctor online for other advices.)

To reduce creatinine 4.8, Medicated Bath, Circle Therapy and Enema Therapy are recommended. Medicated Bath can open the pores in the skin and increase the excretion amount. Circle Therapy aims at pulling waste products and toxins from the corresponding acupoints. Enema Therapy can eliminate more creatinine through intestinal tract.

Additionally, if patients want to lower their high creatinine level stably, they should also reverse their kidney damage and improve their kidney function. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Hot Compress Therapy and Immunotherapy are helpful to improve Hypertensive Nephropathy patients’ overall health. To determine which one is suitable for you, you can consult the doctor online.

Tag: Hypertensive Nephropathy Hypertensive Nephropathy Symptoms

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