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How Does Hypertension Cause an Increase of Creatinine and Urea

How Does Hypertension Cause an Increase of Creatinine and UreaLong-term hypertension can negatively affect many parts of patients’ body like kidneys. An increase of creatinine and urea is more likely to indicate the onset of hypertensive kidney disease, or Hypertensive Nephropathy. How does hypertension cause an increase of creatinine and urea?

A large amount of proteinuria along with swelling is the most typical sign of Hypertensive Nephropathy. Protein leakage can cause damage to kidney filtering system, and damaged kidneys can lead to more serious proteinuria. Then, patients will fall into a vicious circle.

When more than 50% of kidney functioning cells are damaged, creatinine and urea will rise gradually. This is because impaired kidneys are unable to filter out metabolic waste products and toxins from the body. According to high creatinine levels, Hypertensive Nephropathy can be divided into four stages.

Renal compensatory stage, creatinine level ranges from 133 to 177 umol/L;

Renal decompensation stage, creatinine level ranges from 186 to 442 umol/L ;

Renal failure stage, creatinine level ranges from 443 to 707 umol/L;

Uremia stage, creatinine level is above 708 umol/L.

When blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level is higher than 60 mg/dl, it is more likely to indicate uremia stage. If you have chronic hypertension for many years, your elevated creatinine and BUN levels must mean kidneys have been damaged. In this condition, you should take some useful therapies to reverse your kidney damage and treat hypertensive nephropathy timely.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one good choice. On one hand, it can expand blood vessels, so pressure against blood vascular walls can come down gradually. On the other hand, it can increase the blood flow into kidneys, so as to improve the anoxia and ischemia sate within kidneys. Therefore, Hypertensive Nephropathy can be managed from the root. Accordingly, creatinine and urea levels can be reduced spontaneously.

If you still have any question about Hypertensive Nephropathy, high creatinine level or high urea level, you can consult the doctor online or leave a message below.

Tag: Hypertensive Nephropathy High Creatinine Level Causes

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