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High Creatinine Level With Breathing Problem

High Creatinine Level With Breathing ProblemHigh Creatinine Level means the creatinine which should be filtered out of the body, build up in the blood. It may cause various discomforts. Breathing problem is a common complaint in patients with High Creatinine Level.

Why patients with High Creatinine Level suffer from breathing problem?

If you suffer from high creatinine level continuously, you may be suggested to take further tests to find the root cause. The major cause for permanent high creatinine level are heart problem and Kidney Damage.

Both of them can result in breathing problems. (send your current creatinine level to kidneyservice@hotmail.com and get guidelines of the natural remedy to lower high creatinine level)

Kidney Disease

Kidneys are important organs to filter out the excessive waste products and extra fluids. Creatinine is the by-products of muscular activity, which should be removed by healthy kidneys. When kidneys are damaged, the creatinine will build up in blood, causing high creatinine level.

Usually, when there is an elevation in creatinine level, it means at least 50% of kidney function have already gone. When kidneys are damaged, the diminished kidney function will cause high phosphorus levels, which will increase the risk to disturb heart function, which may cause breathing problem.

Heart Disease

Some heart diseases, such as atherosclerosis, are associated with elevated creatinine. Heart disease can result in breathing problem, if your heart is unable to pump enough blood to supply oxygen to your body. If your brain, muscles, or other body organs do not receive enough oxygen, a sense of breathing problem may occur.

How to deal with the breathing problem?

It is important for you to find the root cause before you take any medical measure for your breathing problem. If you have not find the cause by far, you can send your current symptoms to kidneyservice@hotmail.com and we are here to help make a rough diagnosis. Or you can ask the suggested tests list for your breathing problem from our online service. It is free and easy!

Tag: High Creatinine Level

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