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Diet For 2.4 Creatinine Level

Diet For 2.4 Creatinine LevelCreatinine level 2.4 means patients already have obvious damage in their kidney, and patients should take measures positively to protect their left kidney function and overall health.

Diet can make a significant influence to patient’s health condition, and appropriate diet can help patient’s slow down the progression of kidney disease and even improve their kidney function. Thereby, if patients’ creatinine level has reaches 2.4, what diet is suitable for them.

1.Foods that are dangerous for patients:

High protein:

Protein can produce much metabolic wastes, which can cause many health problems and increase the workload of kidney, and they are very bad for patients. As a result, it is necessary for patients to avoid high protein foods, or restrict their protein intake.

High sodium:

Patients with kidney disease need to avoid high sodium foods, so do patients with creatinine level 2.4. That is because much sodium intake can cause and aggravate edema and hypertension.

High potassium:

Kidney damage can cause patients to have the metabolic disorder of electrolytes in patient’s body, and the metabolic disorder of potassium can cause severe health problems, which are very dangerous for patients. So, it is necessary for patients to avoid taking high potassium foods.

High phosphorus:

Just like high potassium, high phosphorus is also very dangerous for patients with high creatinine, because it can cause problems like itching skin, renal osteopathy, etc. Thereby, it is very important for patients with creatinine level 2.4 to avoid taking high phosphorus foods.

High fat:

Foods with high fat are bad for our cardiovascular system, and for patients with kidney disease, cardiovascular disease is a major cause of death. Thereby, avoiding high fat foods is helpful for patients to protect their cardiovascular system.

Alcohol and smoking:

The damage of alcohol and smoking is mainly in kidney and blood vessel. They can promote the progression of glomerular sclerosis, and they can also promote the appearance of heart disease and hypertension, which are very dangerous.


For patients with creatinine level 2.4, they should avoid spicy foods, animal organs, processed foods, etc.

2.Foods that are necessary for patients:

High-quality protein:

When patients with high creatinine have the restriction of protein, it is important for them to guarantee high-quality protein intake, because there are some amino acids can not be produced by ourselves.

Abundant vitamins:

Vitamins play a key role in regulating our internal balance, and vitamin A and C are very important for our immunity, so it is important for patients to guarantee abundant intake in their diet.

Moderate calory:

Moderate calory intake is very helpful, which can guarantee patient’s body activity need and reduce the decomposition of protein in patient’s body. Thereby, it is necessary for patients to have moderate calory intake in their diet.

Fruits and vegetables:

Fruits and vegetables are healthy foods for our body. Even though patients need to consider the intake of potassium, which is a common nutrient in fruits and vegetables, most fruits and vegetables are still beneficial for patient’s health.

Enough fluid:

If patients do not have obvious edema, It is better for them to have enough fluid every day, which is beneficial for their kidney function.

These are some important aspects in the diet for patients with high creatinine. It is worth mentioning that patients should regulate their diet according to their own conditions, because patients’ conditions are different, and every patient has his own problems to deal with.

Kidney disease is very dangerous, and if you need any help, you can email us your problem and detailed condition. Our email is kidneyservice@hotmail.com, and we will do what we can to help you.

Tag: High Creatinine Level

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