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What Symptoms May Appear When Patient Has High Creatinine

What Symptoms May Appear When Patient Has High CreatinineHigh creatinine often indicate severe kidney damage, and severe kidney damage can cause many problems to patient’s body, which may lead to many obvious symptoms.

So, what symptoms may patent with high creatinine have?


Fatigue is a common symptom in patient with kidney disease, which is caused by the damage in patient’s kidney. In fact, fatigue is caused by anemia, which is a complication of kidney disease.

Back pain:

Not all patients will have back pain when they have high creatinine, but kidney diseases like PKD or kidney cyst can cause patient to have back pain.

Urine changes:

Kidney will filter our blood, and then excrete the excess fluid. So when patient has have high creatinine, many symptoms in patient’s urine can be found. For example, patient may find he has foams in his urine, and it is also common to see abnormal color in patient’s urine. Besides, patients also often have frequent urination at night.


When patient’s kidneys are severely damaged, it is also very common for patient to have itching in his body. While this symptom can be caused by many reasons, and that is also why it is often to be seen.

Nausea and vomiting:

For patients with high creatinine, when their kidneys are severely damaged, they often have nausea and vomiting, which can also be caused by many reasons.

Muscle cramps:

Patient with kidney disease also often have muscle cramps, which is mainly caused by the metabolic disorder of calcium and phosphorus, and some other reasons also have significant influence in its appearance.

Besides, many other symptoms may also appear in patient’s body, like edema, high blood pressure, tingling in limbs, joint pain, loss of appetite, etc.

In the end, if you have any other problem in dealing with kidney disease, you can contact our online experts, and we are glad to help you.

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