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What Is The Dangerous Level Of Creatinine

What Is The Dangerous Level Of CreatinineCreatinine is a common standard to assess patient’s kidney condition. High creatinine level often means a dangerous condition for patient with kidney disease, while what is the dangerous level of creatinine?

Creatinine is the metabolic product of muscle. It can be gotten from the meat we take, and it can also be produced by our body muscles. Creatinine is a toxin to our body, and it will be filtered out by kidney, so our body’s creatinine level can change in a stable range. In fact, creatinine gotten from diet will not make a great influence to our creatinine level.

While what on earth is the dangerous level of creatinine?

In fact, creatinine level is not a sensitive standard to assess patient’s kidney condition when patient is in the early stage of kidney disease. That is because kidney has strong metabolic ability and strong compensation, and if only patient can have half normal kidney function, there will not be any problem caused by kidney damage. Thereby, patient with kidney disease will not have obvious symptoms until they have kidney failure.

On the other hand, patient’s creatinine level will not rise even patient already have kidney damage, and it is also to say if patients have a bit of high creatinine level caused by kidney disease, patient is already in a dangerous condition.

How to deal with high creatinine level?

High creatinine level caused by kidney damage is very dangerous. To deal with this condition, patient should do their best to improve and protect their kidney function, and except for patent’s diet and life habit, it is also very important for patient to choose the right treatment and care.

Patients may be told there is no method to improve their kidney function and what can patient do is to wait for dialysis or kidney transplant. In fact, it is wrong. Kidney failure can not be reversed, but for patient with kidney failure, their condition is able to be improved if right treatment is taken, because most nephrons are just damaged, and that can be a great help in prolong patient’s lifetime.

Some therapies are very useful in improving patient’s kidney condition if only the nephrons have not been damaged too severe, like Polluted Blood Therapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, etc. These therapies are the combination of Chinese medicine and modern technology, which can effectively slow down the progression of patient’s disease, and at the same time furthest improve patient’s kidney condition by using Chinese medicine.

While if you have any problem in dealing with your condition, you can also consult our online experts, and we are glad to help you.

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