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At What Creatinine Value One Needs a Kidney Transplant

At What Creatinine Value One Needs a Kidney TransplantKidney transplant refers to the surgical process of removing a diseased kidney and then replacing it with a new, healthy kidney. It is a treatment choice for patients with advanced kidney disease. While, at what creatinine value one needs a Kidney Transplant?

Actually, the creatinine level which requires transplant is based on the calculation of the Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) because individuals with different weight, sex, and race may have different GFR even with same creatinine level. Generally speaking, when kidney function/GFR is below 10-15, and patients are symptomatic, they need a transplantation.

Though a successful kidney transplant may potentially save patient's life by restoring proper kidney function, it has some negative consequences of having this surgery: pain and discomfort immediate following the procedure, risk of rejection with loss of kidney function/return to Dialysis, must taking anti-rejection medicines for rest of life, long-time on waiting list, expensive cost, and frequent medical needs, etc. Patients should be kept informed of all aspects involved.

However, is there any better treatment to avoid Dialysis or kidney transplant? The answer is "YES". Patients can live a normal and much prolonged life with their own kidneys if get effective treatment as soon as possible. Clear Blood Pollution Therapy is just such a treatment which helps to treat kidney disease from the root cause, prevent the decline of GFR level and improve the kidney function maximally. For those people who do not want to get dialysis or transplant, Clear Blood Pollution Therapy is a good alternative option. For more information, contact us.

Tag: High Creatinine Level

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