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What To Do for High Creatinine Level

What To Do for High Creatinine LevelWhen protein shows + in your medical report, most kidney patients know it is inflammatory stage and requires timely treatment.

At this time, the treatment is for eliminating inflammatory reaction and stopping protein leakage from damaging kidney function. Then, the treatment plan is to turn proteinuria into negative. When proteinuria disappears, further kidney damage will be stopped and kidney function can be protected.

However, when creatinine level increases, what to do?

If your creatinine level is 707umol/L, dialysis is often recommended.

The difficult point is that creatinine level is high but not exceeds 707umol/L. What to do at this time?

What does high creatinine level mean?

Elevated creatinine level indicates more than half of your kidney function has been damaged. Kidney function is good if there is only protein.

Immunity is lower than before once your creatinine level is high.

With high creatinine level, you need to be careful when choosing medicines.

What to do for high creatinine level?

1. First, pay attention to all indicators and symptoms

Watch all indicators and symptoms like blood pressure, hemoglobin and urine volume. Prevent them timely and treat complications.

2. Improve your immunity

With medicines, diet and lifestyle changes, it helps improve your immunity and reduce the risk of kidney progression.

3. Improve your blood circulation

Some Chinese medicines can expand blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

4. Be careful to use medicine

Try to use drugs that do not metabolize through the kidneys to reduce the burden on the kidneys. Also you can try some Chinese medicines like activated charcoal and uremic clearance granule to help excrete creatinine. They can do some help.

5. Systematic Chinese medicine treatment

The key point for high creatinine level is to repair injured kidney tissues and improve renal function. Here we recommend Toxin-Removing Treatment including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Mai Kang Mixture and Moxibustion Therapy, etc. They first cleanse the blood through removing wastes and toxins from the body. Then Chinese medicines can arrive at kidney lesion directly to restore injured kidney tissues and improve renal function through dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and providing nutrients. In this way, renal function can be improved gradually. Then high creatinine level will be reduced radically.

If you have any question, you can leave a message below or email kidneyservice@hotmail.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

Tag: High Creatinine Treatment High Creatinine

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