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What Does High Blood Urea Nitrogen Indicate

What Does High Blood Urea Nitrogen IndicateWhat does high BUN indicate? Just like serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is also applied to reveal how well kidneys are functioning. Normally, BUN level ranges from 9 to 20 mg/dl. If it is higher than the normal, it will indicate some disorders.

BUN is used to reveal the amount of nitrogen in urea, while urea is one waste product of protein metabolism. Therefore, high BUN level can reveal the following problems. In different cases, patients’ medical conditions are different.

If high BUN is caused by too much protein intake, patients don’t need to worry.

If people eat too much protein in short time, their blood urea nitrogen will increase suddenly. In this case, high BUN level is due to extra protein consumption, so people don’t need to worry about it. To reduce high BUN level, these people should choose high-quality protein such as lean meat, fish, egg white and milk. After a period of time, high BUN level will decline naturally.

If both BUN and serum creatinine level increase abnormally, patients should pay highly attention to it.

Most often, abnormal increase of both urea and creatinine in the blood is one indicator of kidney damage, and it indicates the loss of more than 50% kidney function. If left alone, build up of these toxins can cause further kidney damage or attack other organs. Therefore, patients should take some therapies to manage it.

- Follow a high diet plan

To protect the remaining kidney functioning tissues, patients should follow a low-sodium and low-protein diet plan. Besides, patients should choose high-quality protein to reduce the production of urea.

- Choose correct treatment plan

At present, several therapies can help increase urea excretion amount. For example, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Medicated Bath, Hot Compress Therapy, and so on, can help reduce high BUN level effectively. Hopefully, they are also effective for you.

Tag: High BUN Level

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