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How to Realize Diabetes with These Symptoms

How to Realize Diabetes with These Symptoms

There are about 150million diabetes patients in China, due to the old age trend and diet habit. The number still arise. Diabetes is a hard issue, a much-talked-about topic in kidney disease area. What can we do to manage and realize diabetes with some symptoms?

First, let’s see first three complications in diabetes:

Nephropathy, which is also called as kidney disease. when diabetes combined with it, easily you will develop into ESRD, uremia. Diabetes is a common complication in kidney disease. Patients who have diabetes more than 5 years should keep regular monitor for their kidney conditions. Each year should do kidney function tests which include blood test, urine test, kidney B-type altra-sounds. The character symptom of this disease is micto-scopic albuminuria. So, patients should pay attention to urine condition.

Foot disease. when we talk about diabetic food, it remind me of a patients who start to hospital with diabetic nephropathy and diabetic foot. It made him suffer a lot. First step is to control your kidney condition and avoid further damage. Then, find a method to cure protein urine, and then, manage the blood sugar and release the foot disease. after three month’s treatment, his condition is stabilized.

Patients with diabetes should pay attention to the feet condition and prevent it. taking warm water to wash feet everyday, avoid too hot water, around 37-40 is okay.

Eye disease. Do pay attention to your eye condition.

It is clear that about 50% patients with diabetes more than 10 years will suffer from eye diseases. and early stage manage can help avoid further damage and control it.

Keeping a good diet and start a treatment can help avoid further damage and manage it to keep complications away.

E-mail us on kidneyservice@hotmail.com, they will give you more advice according to your specific condition.

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Tag: Kidney Failure kidney disease Diabetes

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