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Nose Is Blocked with IgA Nephropathy

Nose Is Blocked with IgA NephropathyThe onset of IgA Nephropathy is usually accompanied by upper respiratory infections and hematuria. If patients have upper respiratory infections, they may find their nose is blocked.

IgA Nephropathy

IgA Nephropathy is characterized by the proliferation of glomerular mesangial cells. Because this disease is due to deposits of IgA in kidneys, it indicates autoimmune disorder in the body. Accordingly, the abnormal immune system gives many harmful substances to attack the body and affect patients' health condition.

The causes of nose blockage

As the above mentioned, nose blockage is one sign of upper respiratory infections. 70%~80% of upper respiratory infections are caused by virus, while 20%~30% is due to bacteria. Even though people don't have IgA Nephropathy, they may also suffer from nose blockage that is more likely to be caused by cold, being exposed to the rain, abrupt change of climate, over fatigue, and so on.

If patients are diagnosed with IgA Nephropathy, they must be more susceptible to upper respiratory infections and nose blockage. This is because of patients' immune disorder and low immunity.

How to deal with blocked nose for IgA Nephropathy?

If it is attributed to common cold, patients can eat some medications to treat it with doctor's guidance. However, once it is accompanied by recurrent upper respiratory infections, patients should take some therapies that can save their kidneys and regulate their immune system.

Based on this requirement, kidney experts from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital would like to recommend Immunotherapy, which just focuses on treating kidney disease through removing the buildup of immune complexes, normalizing the immune system and prompting the recovery of impaired kidney cells. Generally, after about one or two months, patients can find their IgA Nephropathy is controlled very well as well as upper respiratory infections.

If you are interested about this therapy, you had better firstly learn more about it from the online doctor.

Tag: IgA Nephropathy IgA Nephropathy Symptoms

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