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IgA Nephropathy: Feel Dizzy and Eyesight Problem

IgA Nephropathy: Feel Dizzy and Eyesight ProblemWhen someone has IgA Nephropathy, some of the glomeruli become blocked by accumulation of IgA. This allows blood cells and protein to pass through the walls of the glomeruli into the urine. Some patients may also feel dizzy and experience eyesight problem. Read on to find the causes of these problems.

Why do you feel dizzy with IgA Nephropathy?

Healthy kidneys function to produce enough of a hormone called erythropoietin (EPO). In IgAN, the diseased kidneys fail to secrete enough EPO, leading to the decreased production of red blood cells-Anemia.

Anemia can prevent the brain from getting enough oxygen, which can result in symptoms such as feeling of dizzy, difficulty sleeping and difficulty concentrating.

What are the causes of eyesight problem in IgAN?

IgAN is not simply a kidney disease but rather an immunological disorder that affects the kidneys, as Diabetes is an immunological disorder that affects the pancreas. It may also be a condition, like diabetes, that affects the micro blood vessels, leading to extra-renal symptoms such as eyesight problem, headaches, and difficulties concentrating.

What could you be doing to help yourself if you feel dizzy and experience eyesight problem with IgA Nephropathy? This is a highly personal issue. Do not feel frustrated. Effective treatment is available to solve your problem. You can chat with our online doctor for free help or leave a message below. We will contact you soon within 24 hours and offer helpful suggestions. Best wishes!

Tag: IgA Nephropathy Symptoms

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