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IgA Nephropathy and High Blood Pressure

IgA Nephropathy has many symptoms, such as Proteinuria, blood in urine etc. High blood pressure is also a common symptom for patients with IgA Nephropathy.

How does IgA Nephropathy cause high blood pressure?

IgA Nephropathy is an autoimmune kidney damage in which the undelrying IgA immune disorder causes inflammation in the kidneys. Kidneys work to filter the excessive water and waste products from the blood and keep the useful substances stay in the blood.

Besides the functioin of removing toxins and producing urine, kidneys have many other functions. Regulating blood pressure is a common function. Kidneys, when fucntion well, can release a substance named renin, which can help regulat the blood pressure. When kidneys are damaged, the blood pressure will increase or decrease. This is why IgA Nephroapthy patients suffer from high blood pressure.

How to lower high blood pressure in patients with IgA Nephropathy?

High blood pressure, as a sign of IgA Nephropathy, should be treated from the root cause--kidney damage. Thereby, treatment which can deal with the Kidney Disease will be a better choice.

To lower the high blood pressure, the following treatments may be recommended:

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal medicine uses natural herbs, plants or even animal parts to deal with various medical conditions, since the very ancient China. Many herbs show different natural healing ablities.

Some herbs help boost the renal circulation, and alleviate the kidney disease symptoms. More important, Chinese Herbal Medicine helps repair the damage kidney tissues and improve kidney functions. As long as the kidneys can work better, surely, the blood pressure will be released spontaneously.


Immuntherapy is a biotherapy which helps rebuild a new immune system which can reverse the IgA immune disorder from the root. It is the key to prevent the futher kidney damage and the relapse of IgA Nephropathy.

Tag: IgA Nephropathy Symptoms

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