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I Have No Energy with IgA Nephropathy

I Have No Energy with IgA NephropathyIgA Nephropathy can cause kidneys to be inflamed. In a part of cases, this disease will aggravate into kidney failure gradually. During this progression, patients are more likely to have no energy. How to boost patients' energy with IgA Nephropathy?

Most often, lack of energy is related to restricted diet plan, malnutrition or renal anemia.

No matter which type of kidney disease patients have, they are always required to control their intake of protein, sodium, potassium and phosphorus. If patients can't get enough protein from their diet, they will fail to malnutrition easily. Lack of protein can't provide enough energy for the body.

With the decline of kidney function, diseased kidneys are unable to produce enough EPO, resulting in renal anemia. This causes less blood and oxygen to supplement for functioning cells all over the body. Thereby, patients feel fatigue and out of energy easily.

According to the above analysis, we can know the cases of no energy for IgA Nephropathy patients. Then, we need to make some dietary modifications and overcome renal anemia.

1. Take in correct amount of protein: If patients' blood urea is still normal, they can take protein as much as general population. Otherwise, they should reduce their protein intake to 0.6 g/kg body weight. If they have heavy proteinuria, they can increase their protein intake to 1.2 g/kg body weight.

2. Eat more foods rich in iron: Iron is one essential material for the production of red blood cells, so it is beneficial to increase their iron intake.

3. Increase kidney function: Because IgA Nephropathy is due to deposits of IgA in glomeruli, Immunotherapy can help treat IgA Nephropathy from the root. As long as kidneys can filter blood and remove metabolic wastes and toxins from the body effectively, patients can feel more energy.

Additionally, doing gentle exercise regularly can also help strengthen patients' body and boost energy. Make these modifications in your life, so you can find a great difference.

Tag: IgA Nephropathy IgA Nephropathy Symptoms

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