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Why Do IgA Nephropathy Patients Feel Fatigue with Mental Fog

Why Do IgA Nephropathy Patients Feel Fatigue with Mental FogSome IgA Nephropathy patients often feel fatigue with mental fog, which is more likely to be attributed to severe decline of kidney function. Even though some IgAN patients can get remission spontaneously, most patients finally have end stage kidney failure. During this process, what causes their fatigue and brain fogginess?

IgA Nephropathy occurs when immunoglobulin A (IgA) causes inflammatory reactions in glomerular mesangial area. As time goes on, more and more glomeruli are damaged by inflammatory reactions. Then, severe conditions can cause patients’ fatigue and mental fog.

1. Renal anemia: When kidneys are unable to produce erythropoietin normally, fewer red blood cells are produced. Hemoglobin in red blood cells is responsible for transporting oxygen, so low hemoglobin level due to renal anemia can cause fatigue and mental fog directly.

2. Buildup of waste products and toxins: Our brain is delicate organ that requires a lot of blood flow, so if too many waste products and toxins build up in the blood stream, brain is usually the first organ to be affect. Besides, these harmful substances can shorten the lifespan of red blood cells and induce mental problems.

3. Dialysis: Many IgA Nephropathy patients won’t complain fatigue and mental fogginess until they have begun to do dialysis. Because dialysis can cause low blood pressure and this complication can cause less blood flows throughout the body including functioning tissues and brain, weakness and mental disorder occur easily during or after dialysis.

Now, we have known why IgA Nephropathy patients have fatigue and mental fog. The next thing we need to do is to deal with the above problems. If it is due to renal anemia or deposit of harmful substances, a healthy diet plan and correct medications can help manage them. If it is caused by dialysis, some methods that can help improve kidney function and reduce the frequency of dialysis are helpful.

You are looking for effective treatments to alleviate fatigue and mental fog? We are glad to help you.

Tag: IgA Nephropathy IgA Nephropathy Symptoms

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