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How to Manage Sickness and Flank Pain With IgA Nephropathy

How to Manage Sickness and Flank Pain With IgA NephropathyIgA Nephropathy is one common kidney disorder, and kidneys are located at lower back. Therefore, flank pain often occurs in IgA Nephropathy. With the aggravation of this glomerular disease, patients may feel sick easily. Thereby, we would like to introduce how to manage sickness and flank pain for IgA Nephropathy patients today.

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Several days ago, one patient consulted online and shared his experience. He has IgA Nephropathy, and he is sick right now and has excruciating flank pain. The local doctor says he can’t take advil or NSAIDs, but tylenol does nothing for him. Then, he is eager to find out effective methods to manage his problems.

Here, doctors from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital give out some suggestions.

Firstly, we should know sickness is usually caused by renal anemia or deposits of too much waste in the body, while flank pain is commonly attributed to renal insufficiency. Based on the causes, doctors here introduce the following treatments.

- Eat foods rich in iron: Iron is one raw material of red blood cells, so it can help treat renal anemia and ease sickness to some extent.

- Take erythropoietin treatment: Normally, healthy kidneys can produce enough EPO to stimulate the body to make red blood cells. However, diseased kidneys will lose this ability gradually. Therefore, in severe cases, patients should take EPO treatment to overcome sickness.

- Control the intake of incomplete protein: These foods are hardest on the kidneys, because they will produce more waste products and increase the burden on kidneys. Thereby, these foods may worsen patients’ kidney pain.

- Use hot bath or hot compression: This can improve blood circulation all over the body especially the kidneys, so as to ease patients’ flank pain effectively.

These methods can help ease patients’ weakness and flank pain effectively, but they are not enough to treat IgA Nephropathy. If you want to treat your disease from the root, treatments that can remove immune complexes and repair damaged kidney cells are also needed.

Tag: IgA Nephropathy IgA Nephropathy Symptoms

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