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IgA Nephropathy with Creatinine Clearance 33.6 and Creatinine 2.69

Question: Hello, doctor! I have IgA Nephropathy. My recent test report shows my creatinine clearance is 33.6 ml/min and creatinine is 2.69 mg/dl. Can you tell me what does they mean? What can I do to manage them?

IgA Nephropathy with Creatinine Clearance 33.6 and Creatinine 2.69Answer: Both creatinine clearance (Ccr) and creatinine can indicate how well kidneys are functioning. For healthy adults, their creatinine clearance ranges from 80 to 120 ml/min, and creatinine ranges from 0.5 to 1.3 mg/dl. Additionally, healthy adults’ creatinine clearance will decline at the speed of 4ml/min every year.

Generally speaking, creatinine clearance can indicate different degree of kidney damage by the following standard.

Ccr 51~70 ml/min indicates mild kidney damage;

Ccr 31~50 ml/min indicates moderate kidney damage;

Ccr 20~30 ml/min indicates severe kidney damage;

Ccr 10~19 ml/min indicates kidney failure;

Ccr less than 10 ml/min indicates uremic.

According to this, we can know your kidneys have been damaged to a moderate extent. For IgA Nephropathy patients, kidney damage is caused by inflammation within kidney filters. In this case, what we should do is to eliminate the deposits of immune complexes, inhibit inflammatory reactions and repair damaged kidney cells. As long as kidneys can filter out waste products, serum creatinine levels will come down and creatinine clearance will increase.

The key to achieving these goals is to choose correct treatment option. In western countries, doctors prefer to use steroids, immunosuppressants and anti-hypertensive medicines to manage their IgA Nephropathy by inhibiting inflammatory reaction and controlling patients’ symptoms. In eastern countries, doctors usually use Chinese medicines to treat IgA Nephropathy by regulating immune system, reversing kidney damage and removing immune complexes.

Different treatments have their own advantages and disadvantages. You can determine which medicines to take, according to your illness condition. If you don’t know the answer, you can consult the doctor online.

Tag: IgA Nephropathy IgA Nephropathy Symptoms

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